Get Changed

February – April 2020
There are thousands of women in South Australia who are facing a range of adverse circumstances whilst raising young children - be it domestic violence, drug & alcohol abuse, generational poverty or homelessness.
Many of these women have escaped home with their children and only the clothes on their back. Therefore, they may have lived and slept in this same outfit for days, weeks or months. The truth is that they may have only ever owned the one outfit at a time – and not necessarily one of their choice - and often it’s the same for the children who have never owned anything new, or age-appropriate - let alone suitable for school.
Clothing provides practical benefits of course, but clothing also serves us in other ways; it’s an extension of our personality. It’s a choice most of us get to make each day about how we show up in the world. It brings us joy, gives us confidence and sets us apart in a way that we choose.
We are working with a range of specialists across the state who operate either within the not-for-profit space or the fashion industry - and with a deep appreciation for the emerging movement around 'slow clothes' and 'up-cycling' - and of course local design & manufacturing.
Together we can learn so much and we hope to change some fundamental misunderstandings around up-cycling, donating to, and shopping from charity shops.
Many of us have beautiful clothes that sit in our wardrobe because we have loved them, but we no longer wear them.
Get Changed is about asking for those clothes to be donated so that they can be re-homed. All donations should be of brilliant quality, freshly washed and with no holes or missing buttons.
Further to this, we’re hoping to partner with fashion wholesalers and retailers, and people who work in the fashion industry to seek donations of end-of-season stock.
We are seeking donations of high quality women’s, men’s & children’s clothing, shoes and accessories.
We welcome winter coats, dresses, jumpers, skirts, pants, jeans, hats and boots, and summer dresses, trousers, shorts and sandals - and even special occasion items like evening dresses and dinner suits.
If it’s in brilliant condition, we can find a home for it. All sizes are welcome.
This campaign is officially live so we welcome early donations between now and Friday 3 April 2020.
Our official drop off locations are open to you, but please contact us by email ( if you're keen to get involved or can contribute.
Our campaign event:
Celebrating at the conclusion of the Get Changed campaign, is a special event at Burnside Village. The highlight of this event will be a fashion parade, featuring items collected through the campaign and showcasing the second life that donated clothing items can have.
We'll also hear from MumKIND's Alex Rosser, Kerry Reade from Vinnies SA & Amelia Mulcahy from 7NEWS about how this campaign is making a difference across South Australia.
Friday 3 April 6.30-8.30pm
Burnside Village Fashion Mall
Tickets just $40 each - this is a not-for-profit event.
Buy your ticket via Eventbriet -