Pippa Wanganeen

Pippa Wanganeen is Mother to Kitty 3, Lulu 2 and Posey 1, Step Mother to Mia 16 and Tex 13 and wife of former AFL legend, Brownlow Medalist and artist Gavin Wanganeen. Pippa spends her time running a busy household of 7, managing Gavin Wanganeen Art, the occasional acting and presenting job, facilitating and speaking, as well as doing voluntary work as an Ambassador for Foodbank SA.
"As soon as MumKIND was born, I knew I wanted to be involved... I lived and worked in South Africa for a number of years, where the gap between privilege and poverty is so stark and so obvious. After returning to Australia in 2009, I was both surprised and saddened to learn that there is a huge divide here in Australia also, with large numbers of people who are considered to be below the poverty line. In SA alone, I was shocked to learn that 60000 people seek food relief each month, according to the latest Hunger Report conducted by Foodbank SA.
I always considered Australia to be the lucky country, and we are, but there is much work to be done before we can truly say that poverty is a thing of the past. It is here in our very own beautiful state, that many families are struggling to put food on their tables and children are going to school without lunches or breakfast.
The statistics are staggering, and many of us are simply unaware that so many families are living in these conditions.
MumKind was born of a desire to help other SA Mothers meet the needs of their families, and to give those Mothers support especially during special times of the year like Christmas, Easter and Mothers Day. It is a wonderful initiative, and one I am very proud to support”.